Terms & Condition

Terms and Conditions of Onassa Ltd

1. Introduction

These Terms and Conditions govern the use of the website and services of Onassa Ltd. By accessing our website and using our services, you agree to these Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree to these terms, you may not use our website.

2. Services

Onassa Ltd offers various digital services, including web development, SEO, e-commerce solutions, and digital marketing. The specific services will be outlined in individual contracts.

3. Contract Conclusion

A contract with Onassa Ltd is concluded when you accept our offer in writing or electronically. The contract begins with the confirmation of your acceptance by Onassa Ltd.

4. Prices and Payment

The prices for our services are specified in the individual contract. Payments must be made according to the terms specified in the contract. Onassa Ltd reserves the right to charge interest on late payments.

5. Liability

Onassa Ltd is only liable for damages caused by gross negligence or intent. For slight negligence, Onassa Ltd is only liable for the breach of essential contractual obligations. In any case, liability is limited to foreseeable damages.

6. Copyright

All copyrights and other protective rights to the services provided remain with Onassa Ltd, unless expressly agreed otherwise.

7. Data Protection

The collection and processing of personal data are carried out in accordance with our privacy policy, which is available on our website.

8. Termination

Either party may terminate the contract with 30 days‘ written notice. Services already provided must be paid for.

9. Changes to the Terms and Conditions

Onassa Ltd reserves the right to change these Terms and Conditions at any time. Changes will be published on our website and take effect immediately.

10. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

These Terms and Conditions are subject to the laws of the Republic of Cyprus. The place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from or in connection with these Terms and Conditions is Cyprus.

Contact Information

Onassa Ltd
Plateia Syntagmatos 3
Eisodos Palaiou Limaniou,
3rd Floor 3042 Limassol Cyprus
[email protected]

Transforming Ideas into Digital Masterpieces.


Custom Web Development

Responsive Design

SEO Optimization

E-Commerce Solutions

API and Module Development

© 2024 Onassa Ltd.